Merits accumulated by the owners
The family property was acquired in 1924 and since then, thanks to exemplary management of its natural resources, the Island of Buda is considered as one of the best preserved natural areas in Catalonia.
At first their owners, Joan and Pere Borés Calsamiglia, given her fondness for duck hunting, wanted to continue the playful type hunting activity already existed, and fishing in the Calaixos, without intent existed performing some intensive farming, with the desire to preserve wetlands intact, unlike what was happening in the rest of the delta. At the time the wetlands were considered unhealthy spaces because of their bad odors and the presence of disease-carrying mosquitoes. Furthermore unlisted hunts and fish lost its value in the absence of conservation means and markets, so that administrations offered their support to landowners with wetlands for processing followed, giving way to rice, which is could keep in silos and was an important food source that generated wealth and labor. In this way were disappearing delta wetlands while in Buda, at the express wish of their respected owners gaps as we know them today. It was thanks to the wisdom conservationist and Pere Joan lords Island Borés that Buddha was considered the best preserved wetland in Catalonia and one of the most important in Spain.
It was later given the insistence of the then administrator Mr. Pere Franch who, aware of the recent introduction of rice cultivation in the delta, was allocated an area of the island to the practice of this culture while respecting the lagoons and surrounding areas, dedicated, as has been said, to hunting and fishing. At that time, long before they have suffered regression Buda beaches, crops occupied less than a quarter of the island’s surface. Unfortunately beaches regression result of the construction of large dams in the basin, and flow regulation of river water, resulted in the loss of much of the wetland without being able to do anything about it.
Therefore, it is logical to think that the international reputation and acquired responsibilities to the world to preserve such accumulation of natural and cultural values make this policy an example of conservation of nature to any competent administration of the territory, which has always done Borés family deserves to institutional recognition.

The environmental importance of rice as it is indisputable shelter amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates, power supply for many species of birds
At present the ownership of the island lies jointly with the Department of Environment of Generalitat of Catalonia and ARROZALES Y GANADERIA DEL DELTA, S.A. (ARGADEL SA) owned 100% by the third generation of the family Borés. ARGADEL revenues SA come from traditional agricultural exploitation rice being the main crop. In the inland lagoons are known as the “Calaixos” in which historically has been a fishing and hunting of low intensity and environmentally. Thus ARGADEL SA, as an agricultural company, from time immemorial, bases its activity on three key areas: rice farming, and sustainable use of fisheries resources and hunting, all in perfect harmony with the environment.

In the lagoons are raised commercial fish species such as eels, tench, carp, bass, mullet and gold, and stations are located hunting
In these activities is incorporated, to be considered a source of income to the primary activity and allows the economy improved with the incorporation of new jobs, rural tourism, recently introduced in rural and highly demand in the Ebro delta, as well as navigation, recreation, scenic view, the study of flora and fauna, and all the fun activities that allow direct contact and harmony with nature. The effort for the preservation and conservation of the environment, natural resources, ie flora and fauna and all those ecosystems that make up the natural environment Buda, heritage resources, such as the local architecture from the past, cultural resources, formed by traditions, and historical resources.
This exemplary conservationist attitude has been recognized by the government, the Natural Park, conservation organizations, the SEO Bird Life and ornithologists the most illustrious of our country as reflected in the scientific journal ARDEOLA number 7 and others, entitled “The avifauna Buda Island in Spring-Summer of 1961 “in which the renowned ornithologist S. Maluquer and J. R. Pons Oliveras, are full of praise and thanksgiving, in which we read:
“For the sake of brevity, we will limit ourselves only to making a deserved mention to our dear friend i consortium D. Juan Borés, whom the Spanish Ornithology is getting an unpayable debt of gratitude … “
The same group of scientists appreciate the conservation work of Joan Borés and Pere Franch in the scientific journal published by the Spanish Society of Ornithology, ARDEOLA number 6, in which we read:
“First and prominent place to Borés brothers, owners of the island of Buda, without whose kind invitation and support we could not have made ??repeated visits to the same, which have been the basis of our work. And a special way, to D. Juan Borés, great gentleman, excellent companion and enthusiastic ornithologist who honors us with her ??friendship, which reciprocate our affection, and who repeatedly has not only given maximum facilities in all aspects, but has taken part personally in observation and banding expeditions, facilitating their car for the trip from Barcelona, transportation on the island, and room and board at their expense in your own home, … “
These same principles of protection and guardianship ends of the place are those who want to continue to maintain again with rural tourism activity that aims to open the doors to ornithologists and nature lovers so they can see Buddha and enjoy its uniqueness. The components of the third generation of family owners Borés have given continuity to the commitment made by their ancestors, to do whatever is necessary to preserve Buda and therefore there is a firm decision that rural tourism is a sustainable, respectful with the environment, and to protect, conserve, manage, restore and enhance the richness of natural systems found in Buda.

The coots (Fulica atra), abundant in the “Calaixos”, are one of the most prized game species for hunters.